Sermon Series: 

Cultivating Your Inner Life: Prayer

Prayer is how we connect to God. Sometimes we try to find just the right phrase but God seeks just the right heart. Sometimes we are seduced into being self oriented but the Lord’s prayer keeps correcting our selfish desires. One key is how Jesus aims us into community. “Our” and “us” rather than “me” and “mine.” We call on God to align us to God’s wishes for us not our own. We pray to bring heaven to earth. We pray for daily bread not winning the lottery. We pray for others at the same time as we pray for ourselves. Forgive all of us our debts. Keep all of us from temptation. We all pray differently but this is the example and pattern we can use to teach us how to connect with the right heart.

Title:  The Lord’s Prayer, Part One


Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4