We offer two joyful worship services at 9:30 am and 11:15 am in the sanctuary.

At 9:30 am we offer a Warmhearted Traditional Worship featuring our chancel choir, piano and organ music.

At 11:15 am we offer an Informal Contemporary Worship featuring our praise band.


Where do I park?

Once you are beachside, turn at the corner of Peninsula and Columbus. (Columbus is one block south of our famous Flagler Avenue.) Paved parking and grass parking are available on your right. Grass parking and sand parking are available on your left.

If someone in your party has mobility needs, we encourage you to drop them off near the main building and then find parking. Drop-off is in the paved parking. Handicap parking is available in the paved parking but is limited.

Many join us throughout the year while they are vacationing. Know you are always welcome, no matter how long you’ll be in town.

Where do I go for worship?                                  

Once you’ve parked, head to the tallest building on our campus. There you’ll find a courtyard with a large oak tree. The sanctuary doors are behind the oak tree.

What’s the vibe?                                                       

Come as you are. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. We’re beachside, so our vibe is casual, joyful, moving, and real. We laugh often.

Worship is easy to follow and approachable. We sing. We pray. We connect the scriptures to our lives and the needs of our community and world. We believe in faith and action, prayer and compassion, grace, and the common good.

What about kids?                                                   

Your children are welcome to stay with you during worship. Activity bags are located in the back of the sanctuary. If you prefer, children’s church is available for ages 3 and up in room 121. After the open songs, the children’s leader will escort the children to room 121. You can pick them up there following worship.

What about coffee?

Coffee, water, and snacks are available before and after the service in the fellowship hall next to the sanctuary.

What about communion?              

We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. In communion, we experience Christ’s welcome, presence, love, grace, and power. It’s far more than just remembering what Jesus did for us.

CCUMC is a United Methodist Community, which means we practice an open table. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. You do not need to be a certain age, or baptized, or officially a member, or know a lot about Jesus. All are welcome to the table. All means all and all the time.

To make the table as accessible and welcoming as possible, we use nut-free, gluten-free matzo for bread. To be inclusive of children and those in recovery, we use grape juice instead of wine.