United Women in Faith is an organization that has a rich 150+ year history. All women are welcome to join regardless of church affiliation. The unit associated with Coronado Community UMC is an active group of faithful women.
We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities.
Coronado Community United Women in Faith
The Coronado Community United Women in Faith have supported local ministries for over 115 years. The legacy of the group begins with a “History of the Ladies’ Aid” written by Mrs. Silsby dating back to 1908, with the first charter dated 1932. Over the years the name of the women’s group has changed but the focus on service and welcome to all remains the same.
Coronado Community United Women in Faith has over 70 active members. Our entire group comes together for three events each year and visitors are always welcome:
- Mission Study and Coffee in the Spring
- Welcome Back lunch in September
- Plus fundraising events to support our mission
UWF is made up of two Circles which meet monthly in fellowship, for spiritual learning, and to work on Circle-specific ministries. Both Circles meet in Fellowship Hall at Coronado Community UMC from September to May. We would love to have you visit us to check out the Circles and see what works best for you.
2024 UWF Officers-Budget-Calendar
Circles meet once a month to support each other, join in fellowship, learn about United Women in Faith programs, and participate in local ministries. All Circle meetings are open to visitors. Coronado Community United Methodist Church has two Circles:
- The Deborah Circle meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. For details, contact: Debbie Clark or Gloria Doster